Pop!_OS: Designing the Date & Time Panel for Pop!_OS

Year 2021
Client Pop!_OS
Role Lead Product Designer - User Research, Interaction, Visual Design, Prototyping & Testing
Time 1 Month 
Goals Create an app that allows Linux user to configure their wireless mouse.
Deliverables Research, ideation, UI design, end-to-end prototype and testing
Tools Figma, and Adobe Creative Suite

What is Pop!_OS? 

Pop!_OS is an operating system based on the Linux kernel, developed and maintained by System76, a company known for producing Linux-powered hardware. Pop!_OS is designed with a focus on user experience, performance, and compatibility with System76's hardware offerings, although it can be installed on a wide range of computers.

Pop!_OS is an operating system based on the Linux kernel, developed and maintained by System76, a company known for producing Linux-powered hardware. Pop!_OS is designed with a focus on user experience, performance, and compatibility with System76's hardware offerings, although it can be installed on a wide range of computers.

The Pop!_OS logo.

Goals and Objectives

The primary goal of this project was to design a Date & Time Panel that would seamlessly integrate with the existing desktop environment of Pop!_OS while providing users with easy access to essential date and time settings. The following objectives were defined:

User Interviews

The research phase kicked off with one-on-one user interviews to gain insights into users' current habits, pain points, and expectations regarding date and time settings.

Guiding Questions


The data collected from user interviews, surveys, and competitive analysis was synthesized to identify recurring themes and pain points. This informed the creation of user personas and user journey maps, helping the design team empathize with users and their needs.
View General Data Synthesis


Armed with a deep understanding of user needs, the design team engaged in brainstorming sessions to generate multiple design concepts for the Date & Time Panel. These concepts ranged from traditional calendar displays to more innovative approaches involving natural language interaction.

Wireframing and Prototyping

Based on the ideation phase, low-fidelity wireframes were created to visualize the layout and placement of different elements within the panel. The team iterated on these wireframes based on internal feedback and conducted usability tests with a small group of participants.

User Testing

High-fidelity prototypes were developed from the refined wireframes. A series of user testing sessions were conducted, where participants were given tasks to perform within the prototype. Observations were recorded, and feedback was collected to identify pain points and areas of improvement.


Iterative design cycles ensued, incorporating user feedback into the evolving design. Elements such as color schemes, typography, iconography, and interactions were refined to ensure a cohesive and intuitive experience.
View Full Prototype

Final Design

The Date & Time Panel designed for Pop!_OS features a clean and minimalistic interface that aligns with the overall aesthetic of the operating system. Key elements include a large, easily readable date and time display, quick access buttons for time zone adjustments, and an integrated calendar widget.The panel employs a conversational interaction model, allowing users to input natural language commands to perform actions like setting alarms or scheduling events. This innovative approach simplifies complex tasks and caters to users of varying technical expertise.


The creation of the Date & Time Panel for Pop!_OS was a research-focused endeavor aimed at understanding user needs and preferences deeply. Through user interviews, surveys, competitive analysis, and iterative design cycles, a user-centered and innovative panel was developed. This approach not only enhanced the user experience but also aligned seamlessly with the overarching design language of Pop!_OS. The Date & Time Panel now stands as a testament to the power of research-driven design in crafting software that resonates with users.

Project Learnings

1. User-Centered Design Drives Innovation
Prioritizing user needs and preferences through thorough research and testing led to the development of an innovative Date & Time Panel. By adopting a conversational interaction model, which allowed users to input natural language commands, the panel became more user-friendly and accessible to individuals with varying levels of technical expertise. This learning highlights the potential for pushing boundaries and creating novel solutions when focusing on user-centered design.

2. Iterative Design Enhances User Experience

The iterative design process, involving multiple rounds of wireframing, prototyping, user testing, and refinement, proved essential in creating a seamless and intuitive user experience. Each iteration addressed user feedback and pain points, resulting in a design that was not only visually appealing but also functional and user-friendly. This learning underscores the importance of continuous improvement and flexibility in design projects.

3. Synergy between Aesthetic and Functionality
Ensuring that the Date & Time Panel aligned with the overarching design language of Pop!_OS was crucial. The panel's clean and minimalistic interface complemented the operating system's visual identity, creating a consistent and cohesive user experience. This learning emphasizes the significance of maintaining a balance between aesthetics and functionality, as design elements that harmonize with the overall system design contribute to a more satisfying user journey.